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Saturday, July 2, 2011

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  • lazycis
    02-13 02:37 PM
    WASHINGTON, D.C.- Immigrant advocates filed a national class action lawsuit in federal court today challenging the Immigration and Naturalization Service's (INS) misadministration of a law that provides persons granted asylum the right to live and work in the United States permanently. The suit, filed by the American Immigration Law Foundation and Dorsey & Whitney LLP, seeks to compel the INS to issue all allotted "green cards" fairly on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Some 50 named plaintiffs represent tens of thousands of asylees throughout the country. The plaintiffs are all refugees who fled persecution in their home countries and were granted asylum in the United States. Under U.S. law, they may apply to become permanent residents, or so-called green card holders, of the United States. Congress has imposed a cap of 10,000 on the number of asylees who can attain permanent resident status each year.

    The lawsuit alleges that the government failed to distribute more than 18,000 green cards in the last eight years while more than 60,000 asylees wait in legal limbo; failed to process applications on a first-come, first-served basis as required by law; and kept thousands of asylees on the wait list who are exempt from the cap. The lawsuit also challenges the government's practice of requiring asylees to obtain a new employment authorization card each year-at a cost that presents a hardship for many families-while they wait for their permanent status.

    If 50 asylees managed to get enough money for action, 50 high-skilled immigrants can do it too. Otherwise I'll be greatly dissappointed. Lack of action is a killer. I was shoked to read walking_dude's post that nobody from MI volunteered to be a plaintiff in DL case. If people do not want to help themselves, IV won't be able to help them.

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  • akred
    02-15 07:26 PM
    My point is that the immigration laws of the United States were racist until the 1952 INA act. They specifically placed quotas on people based on the color of their skin. Today's restrictions, while bizarre, unreasonable and unfair in many ways, cannot be defined as racist.

    Sure it is. Check the UN definition.


    ...any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.

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  • katrina
    02-01 02:34 PM
    US news has covered a book by David Heenan -- "Flight Capital" that essentially deals with the fact that high powered immigrants are leaving this country -- for whatever reason -- and how its bad for America. BAD FOR AMERICA. forget about it being bad of GC aspirants. ITS BAD FOR AMERICA. And we have one of america's own high powered former CEO saying that


    This man has no vested interested in talking about this. Obviously he does not need a GC and he is not on H1. He makes our case. How anti-immigration congressional measure are hurting America as a nation as much as it hurts aspiring immigrants.

    This is an independent non-partisan source who can be quoted in our cause.


    and there is another good article with the same topic.

    Check out this article in the Wall Street Journal - by Gary Becker, a Nobel Price Winner..alas this administration in immune to such logic

    Give Us Your Skilled Masses

    November 30, 2005; Page A18

    With border security and proposals for a guest-worker program back on the front page, it is vital that the U.S. -- in its effort to cope with undocumented workers -- does not overlook legal immigration. The number of people allowed in is far too small, posing a significant problem for the economy in the years ahead. Only 140,000 green cards are issued annually, with the result that scientists, engineers and other highly skilled workers often must wait years before receiving the ticket allowing them to stay permanently in the U.S.

    An alternate route for highly skilled professionals -- especially information technology workers -- has been temporary H-1B visas, good for specific jobs for three years with the possibility of one renewal. But Congress foolishly cut the annual quota of H-1B visas in 2003 from almost 200,000 to well under 100,000. The small quota of 65,000 for the current fiscal year that began on Oct. 1 is already exhausted!

    This is mistaken policy. The right approach would be to greatly increase the number of entry permits to highly skilled professionals and eliminate the H-1B program, so that all such visas became permanent. Skilled immigrants such as engineers and scientists are in fields not attracting many Americans, and they work in IT industries, such as computers and biotech, which have become the backbone of the economy. Many of the entrepreneurs and higher-level employees in Silicon Valley were born overseas. These immigrants create jobs and opportunities for native-born Americans of all types and levels of skills.

    So it seems like a win-win situation. Permanent rather than temporary admissions of the H-1B type have many advantages. Foreign professionals would make a greater commitment to becoming part of American culture and to eventually becoming citizens, rather than forming separate enclaves in the expectation they are here only temporarily. They would also be more concerned with advancing in the American economy and less likely to abscond with the intellectual property of American companies -- property that could help them advance in their countries of origin.

    Basically, I am proposing that H-1B visas be folded into a much larger, employment-based green card program with the emphasis on skilled workers. The annual quota should be multiplied many times beyond present limits, and there should be no upper bound on the numbers from any single country. Such upper bounds place large countries like India and China, with many highly qualified professionals, at a considerable and unfair disadvantage -- at no gain to the U.S.

    * * *
    To be sure, the annual admission of a million or more highly skilled workers such as engineers and scientists would lower the earnings of the American workers they compete against. The opposition from competing American workers is probably the main reason for the sharp restrictions on the number of immigrant workers admitted today. That opposition is understandable, but does not make it good for the country as a whole.

    Doesn't the U.S. clearly benefit if, for example, India's government spends a lot on the highly esteemed Indian Institutes of Technology to train scientists and engineers who leave to work in America? It certainly appears that way to the sending countries, many of which protest against this emigration by calling it a "brain drain."

    Yet the migration of workers, like free trade in goods, is not a zero sum game, but one that usually benefits the sending and the receiving country. Even if many immigrants do not return home to the nations that trained them, they send back remittances that are often sizeable; and some do return to start businesses.

    Experience shows that countries providing a good economic and political environment can attract back many of the skilled men and women who have previously left. Whether they return or not, they gain knowledge about modern technologies that becomes more easily incorporated into the production of their native countries.

    Experience also shows that if America does not accept greatly increased numbers of highly skilled professionals, they might go elsewhere: Canada and Australia, to take two examples, are actively recruiting IT professionals.

    Since earnings are much higher in the U.S., many skilled immigrants would prefer to come here. But if they cannot, they may compete against us through outsourcing and similar forms of international trade in services. The U.S. would be much better off by having such skilled workers become residents and citizens -- thus contributing to our productivity, culture, tax revenues and education rather than to the productivity and tax revenues of other countries.

    * * *
    I do, however, advocate that we be careful about admitting students and skilled workers from countries that have produced many terrorists, such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. My attitude may be dismissed as religious "profiling," but intelligent and fact-based profiling is essential in the war against terror. And terrorists come from a relatively small number of countries and backgrounds, unfortunately mainly of the Islamic faith. But the legitimate concern about admitting terrorists should not be allowed, as it is now doing, to deny or discourage the admission of skilled immigrants who pose little terrorist threat.

    Nothing in my discussion should be interpreted as arguing against the admission of unskilled immigrants. Many of these individuals also turn out to be ambitious and hard-working and make fine contributions to American life. But if the number to be admitted is subject to political and other limits, there is a strong case for giving preference to skilled immigrants for the reasons I have indicated.

    Other countries, too, should liberalize their policies toward the immigration of skilled workers. I particularly think of Japan and Germany, both countries that have rapidly aging, and soon to be declining, populations that are not sympathetic (especially Japan) to absorbing many immigrants. These are decisions they have to make. But America still has a major advantage in attracting skilled workers, because this is the preferred destination of the vast majority of them. So why not take advantage of their preference to come here, rather than force them to look elsewhere?

    Mr. Becker, the 1992 Nobel laureate in economics, is University Professor of Economics and Sociology at the University of Chicago and the Rose-Marie and Jack R. Anderson Senior Fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution.

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  • vivid_bharti
    04-20 09:47 PM
    You want the people to be stuck in the black hole for another 5 years ? Here are some facts about Mr. Manmohan Singh....
    1) Three of his Cabinet ministers belonging to DMK/NCP/PMK after travelling abroad --including to Tax Havens refused to give reports of their foreign trips to PMO. PMO Could not /did not do anything

    2) The HRD minster Arjun singh did not attend any Cabinet meetings under Singh --the mumbling PM could not /did not even ask for an explanation.

    3) He was forced to give pensions for Marxists Terrorists of Telengana who fought against the Indian state in 1948 -under freedom fighters category . He did not have guts to point out that you cannot give such pensions to those who fought the Indian army

    4) He donated nearly Rs.60 Crores to Cambridge[ to celebrate the admission of Nehru] and Harvard [ Perhaps to reduce the Stock Market losses! of their funds] when Indian institutions are crying for funds. He fumbled when he was "instructed" by number 10.

    5) He Promised a Terror Law in a Governor's Conference to be over ruled by his own Party's Spokesperson who got instructions from number 10

    6) DMK Chief announced the new Cabinet Minister [ Raja] for Tele communication from Chennai—instead of PMO announcing the new Cabinet Minster.

    7) As a Finance Minister in 1991 --his first task was to grant Rs.100 Crores for Rajiv Foundation and was over ruled by PVN after a hue and cry.The same obeisance he showed as PM to number 10.

    8) He's plainly & cunningly refusing to contest election, simply seeking backdoor entry to the PMO, thru the puupet string from number 10

    9) Plainly refused to debate with LK Advani, reason ?? Don't have a single credit to talk about.

    Also in case you haven't visited India in last 5 years and don't know the ground realities and all our knowledge is based on Indian media(NDTV, IBN, Hindustan times) , here's a clip from CAG report which will tell you how poor this govt's performance was

    " CAG report on NREGA has said that out of the 3.81 crore rural households that registered under the scheme, only 22 lakh households — a mere 6% — got 100 days of legally guaranteed employment; project completion rate in National Highways fell from 81% in 2004-05 to 17% in 2007-2008; the 11th Plan had set a target of adding 90,700 MW of power; yet in its first seven quarters, a mere 10,877 MW has been added; and leakages continue unabated and unchecked in PDS. Given the Manmohan Singh government’s well-earned reputation for weakness on these issues, convincing the electorate will be no mean task."

    you can read the whole article at


    If you have more please add here.........
    should be ' NO CHANGE'

    i.e. continue with what we had for the past 5 years

    India deserves nothing but the best and so there should be 'No Change' in leadership


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  • stuckinmuck
    05-25 11:19 AM
    Came across this link in one of our threads. I have friends in Canada who hate it there. They have not ended up becoming taxi drivers but feel they made a mistake going to Canada. If you need to leave the U.S., then a better option is to go back to your home country.


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  • rongha_2000
    07-26 02:42 PM
    So why are you here in the first place? Why in US? Why applying for GC? Why on IV to try to improve this broken system? Face the fact, you too dont want to return or else you wouldnt be here.

    There is no harm in being selfish and persuing a better life. "Do something good for India" is an ideal punch line for preachers. BUT Be realistic.

    I am an Indian and proud to be so. Indians - Remove the "SLAVE" mentality from your minds. Think positive. Do some thing good for India, where you have been born and brought up; where your previous generations have flourished. Since, you are now living and earning in US, be loyal to US too.


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  • Ramba
    06-28 06:05 PM
    All you guys forgetting main thing. Visa bulliton is not a law. It advises consular posts and USCIS to accept and approve 485s and schulde interviews in consular posts to issue IV. It is just a advisary notice to other federal agency by DOS. It is not a binding document.

    The law is "an immigrant visa should immediatly available at the time of filing AOS application" . If visas number is not available on 3rd july, DOS has a right, under the federal law, to advise USCIS and consular posts to stop accepting and approving any applications and stop issuing IV at consular posts on any date.

    If you need more evidence, browse the adjudicator field manual for 485. It says "unless any interm notice issued by DOS, visa number is available to all in entire month". Therefore the key is "unless any interm notice issued by DOS". If DOS issues notice to USCIS on June 3rd, USCIS has to stop accepting any 485.

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  • gc28262
    01-14 10:03 AM
    not directly related. But has interesting discussion about Employer-Employee relationship.

    Cyrus D. Mehta & Associates, PLLC (http://www.cyrusmehta.com/News.aspx?SubIdx=ocyrus20091213232220&Month=&From=Menu&Page=1&Year=All)


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  • richana
    07-30 06:59 PM
    Thanks Thampi, people let us post some more avoidance techniques to be used subtle or not, this is a scourge we need to get rid of.

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  • dilipcr
    06-12 07:03 PM
    Grassley bill will not close the door for immigrants but will decrease substanially from 200k(H1+L1) to 80k. But retrogession will go down and those 80k will have less problem in getting green card. You can chose whether to allow unlimited L1 and 125K h1b and 10 to 15 years waiting time or allow 30K L1 + 50K H1b and 3 to 5 years waiting time in green card. Which option will be better for you? If your skills are not good certainly you will not want any restrictions. If your skills are excellent you will survive whatever restrictions they put. They cannot reduce H1b below 65k as that is a part of WTO. So there is no one can block H1b program.

    Exactly what I had tried to express, you have succinctly put them in numbers. Thank you


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  • jayleno
    07-10 12:49 PM
    Hey dude
    Dont insult a whole state....dont blame/depend on other people in making your decisions...
    I need to hear more stories like this to realize I won't be alone when time comes for me to pack up.

    I am from A.P. Lot of folks from my state in India can't accept anything but USA outside A.P. Me and my wife really like to live and work in other parts of world and we have even asked my company to send us out of USA. The only reason for me at this point to pursue GC is for my wife be able to work part-time.

    Otherwise, I am very content being on H1.

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  • maximus777
    06-05 03:26 PM
    There is already a thread working on Government of India to consolidate Pension Fund with Social Security. America already has this type of treaties with few european countries. But looking at the bereaucracy now, this may take next 10-15 years.

    I'll take that timeframe as long as such an arrangement can be worked out. Most of us here have 15+ years to retirement. As long as we get back our hard earned money, and as long as the US govt/treasury feels the pain in disbursing billions of dollars into Indian economy. :cool:

    I know, I can only wish! :rolleyes:


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  • gc4me
    02-13 01:11 PM
    Any of you want to join with me with this drive? Let's form a group and sue the USCIS for misallocation of visa. If any one is interested, please PM me.

    immigration-law.com posted country wise EB visa allocation for the year of 2005. For example, Nepal used only 70 EB3 visas. Whereas country limit is 7%. In that case how EB3 Nepal is retrogressed?

    Can we sue USCIS? Let's discuss.
    In that case, let's hire an attorney.

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  • easygoer
    07-23 01:51 PM
    vldrao has done good job and we are thankful to him


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  • psaxena
    01-14 02:07 PM
    These rules has always been and so are they right now. Nothing is new in the memorandum. Some one publishes and one points and makes a comment and everyone else like a herd of sheep starts panicking...

    Long 19 page memo - but loud and clear for many scenarios -

    USCIS posts Q & A:
    USCIS - Questions & Answers: USCIS Issues Guidance Memorandum on Establishing the "Employee-Employer Relationship" in H-1B Petitions (http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=3d015869c9326210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCR D&vgnextchannel=68439c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD)

    This memo is an eye opener especially for folks on consulting company assignments and those who are self-sponsored or who want to do their own business. Finding a new H1 sponsor would be extremely difficult as well (AC21 folks beware).

    Now getting a new H1 or a transfer or a renewal, may be subject to very stringent scrutiny.

    This memo has the potential to throw a lot of small boutique Consulting companies out of business and along with it many of their employees - whether they use H1 or not.

    Wish the best for all affected folks.
    Pray and hope the GC dream is realized faster for all.

    Best Wishes

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  • nomi
    09-29 12:26 PM
    I also have to land before 03/2007.

    New 3 years extension is valid till 10/2009. Visa Expired. I am from Pakistan. Where u from?

    I am also from Pakistan too.


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  • rahulpaper
    06-26 08:33 PM
    Ok, if the Fragomen page is the source of this rumor: can someone who is a Fragomen client ask their attorney about what's going on here. That might help clarify things a bit. (Given that they are the largest immigration law firm, there's bound to be many IV members for whom Fragomen is preparing documents.)

    Please Please Please ask the lawyer you are working with.....

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  • gdilla
    07-11 01:51 PM
    And don't forget 9month maternity leaves, and if you're unemployed, you still get healthcare, and the generally better public education, not to mention generally cheaper and excellent post-secondary education....

    Every time I hear "Canadian taxes are so much higher", I respond back with "really ? how much are you paying a month for health insurance?". I suggest a typical breadwinner with spouse + 2 dependents is probably paying $500 / mo + in health insurance premiums. Add that $6K / yr to your US tax bill, then compare it to your Canadian tax bill. ;)

    - GS

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  • fairman
    08-17 11:01 AM
    The VIP culture and the sense of entitlement in India is sickening :mad: I would understand if George Fernandes had raised a fuss since he was travelling as a diplomat, but SRK is pure dung!! FFS, he is there only to promote his movie - like some one mentioned here, the world doesnt come to an end if he is delayed by an hour or if the movie flops or doesnt even see the light of day.

    SRK is a god in North India. This cannot be done to SRK. President Obama should have
    come to airport and intervened .

    07-28 11:45 AM
    Jayleno - me thinking sane is the reason you didn't hear from me in any malls/WM :) but I was a minority in BWW who believes in waiting till you find like minded people who are looking. cold contacting is just going against human instincts. you can't simply talk to a person about something to get his phone number and call them about this business next day. that is a reg flag right there. i couldn't do it and hence not with this business anymore. many of us are not ready to think about making millions in few short years. some people need to understand that you can't rub that idea with force on another human being.

    in BWW terms, i was a quitter who can't take the business to the next level because I was afraid of rejection (getting a NO from prospects)..

    Thanks for your perspective and it explains not only about BWW but about cold contacting in general.

    I used to be very very active in IV campaigns and tried to get people sign up for IV activities. We had lobby days, workshops etc.... and we found it very difficult to explain or get people on board for IV activities though it is beneficial for them. Most people would give us the same treatment that they give the Ammway folks.

    12-14 05:26 PM
    An additional thing I want to point out is that the US cannot make itself diverse by restricting immigration to a diverse population mix. It is a well known fact that Hispanic american women bear many more children than Caucasian american women. How does america fix that, and if it does not then why talk about diversity in immigration?

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