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Monday, May 30, 2011

pics of justin bieber with glasses

pics of justin bieber with glasses. justin bieber with glasses.
  • justin bieber with glasses.

  • mkrishnan
    Sep 7, 08:23 PM
    Kanye West is one of the most amazing things to happen to hip-hop in the past several years.

    Anyone get his new album yet? I haven't ... I need to pick up a copy.

    pics of justin bieber with glasses. Justin+ieber+glasses+2011
  • Justin+ieber+glasses+2011

  • fivepoint
    May 5, 03:21 PM
    So, to me a question about firearms in the home seems perfectly within the scope of evaluating risks, and more probably, helping to provide information for parents.

    Doctors shouldn't ask these questions to be busybodies, but to make good decisions and provide care.

    That's kinda the whole point here, isn't it? You may think it's ok, others may not. We're all different, all of our situations are different, different families have more/less, or just different risk than other families. There's no right, there's no wrong, the point is we don't need the damn government getting involved and telling doctors what they can and can't ask. Or for that matter telling doctors who they must and who they musn't provide care for. It's a private transaction between the customer and the physician, so leave it at that. Don't tread on me.

    pics of justin bieber with glasses. justin bieber sun glasses
  • justin bieber sun glasses

  • OneMike
    Mar 18, 02:06 PM
    I have a Seido Spring-Clip, which shows off my phone more than some other cases. I don't know, I just can't picture some stranger coming up to me talking about how my phone sucks. Never had that happen.

    I did get inquiries about my phone from strangers, but always positive.

    I joke around with friends about it, but that's different.

    End of the day though, no phone is perfect. Buy what makes you happy. Everyone has different needs.

    pics of justin bieber with glasses. quot;Had fun with @JustinBieber
  • quot;Had fun with @JustinBieber

  • Lynxpoint
    Mar 24, 08:50 PM
    Happy Birthday.

    It is so true how OS X was a major turning point for Apple. One of the things that I always thought set Apple apart was their willingness to drastically alter course when needed. I remember the System 7, 8, 9 days well. I liked working on Macs, but at the time Windows NT was a more robust beast. When a suitcase can crash your machine, you know something is wrong. So along came OS X, and it surpassed MS for many years. For MS today, I can not comment. For from 10.4 on I abandoned all MS gear, and I still refuse to work with it. Thats not because XP was bad. It was quite strong. But where MS failed was in the shell - the user experience ( I ran custom shells on XP). And where Apple excelled was in this area. The stability of UNIX with a good user interface (not perfect, no RDF here) made digital work good.

    I wonder what the future will bring. I hope for some real evolution in computing. iOS has given us some of that. I just hope that our 'trucks' don't get treated like real trucks, with little change over the years because they do their utilitarian tasks just fine.


    pics of justin bieber with glasses. Justin Bieber Purple Glasses
  • Justin Bieber Purple Glasses

  • JonYo
    Nov 23, 10:46 PM
    ok another question...if i go into a retail store and their sold out of hte macbook i want...can i pay and have it shipped...i know i can use the online store its just that i cant use a credit card or have access to one....

    so would i still get the same discount?

    and also....at the retail store...do u think they'll be SUPER busy with other things and too busy for me?

    Nope, the discounts are only going to apply to purchases of stuff that day, no rainchecks for out of stock items or anything like that. Sorry for the bad news!

    pics of justin bieber with glasses. justin bieber 3d glasses toys
  • justin bieber 3d glasses toys

  • casperghst42
    Aug 2, 04:39 PM
    Your laws ARE perverted (meaning they are not fair and serve only greed).
    Just like our laws are perverted in many of our states, yours in your tiny country has a worse effect. After all, you still don't matter in the grand scheme of things...
    And sooner or later, Apple will leave you, then you won't be able to buy anything from iTunes...

    I think you should look up the word 'perverted' before you use it in this context.

    The laws are there to protect the 'user', and there is nothing wrong with that, this case is the same as the case against M$, Apple have an unfair advantage over any other producer of media players, media from iTMS will only play on iTunes or on an iPod, which is what this whole case is about.


    pics of justin bieber with glasses. at Justin Bieber#39;s glasses
  • at Justin Bieber#39;s glasses

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 21, 12:19 PM
    Very inexactly. The Arabs invented 0 some time ago. The system is borked.

    It's only because the page is changing so quickly and the vote count you see may not be accurate at the time you place your vote but your vote is included and the vote count refreshed after you make a vote.

    With fancy quote handling...

    And I went through all the trouble of deleting the tag. Well thought out, MacRumors!

    PS can we add a consecutive post auto join next? :o

    pics of justin bieber with glasses. Justin Bieber takes on his
  • Justin Bieber takes on his

  • zenio
    Mar 7, 01:32 AM
    It's Apple's philosophy. It comes down to building priorities around it and executing on them.

    Yes, it's Apples highly erratic priorities that are puzzling.

    Their extreme hypocrisy and superiority complex that causes them to go into denial in so many cases.

    They stonewall and refuse to operate in a candid & open way with customers. Instead they practice silently hiding as many of their issues as possible.

    Apples one true area of brilliance is their masterful art of marketing. In the finest example of typical American deceptive advertising, Apple describes their products as "magical & revolutionary".

    What a crock.

    They can't or won't even build a cool running MBP, after years on the market.



    pics of justin bieber with glasses. justin bieber purple glasses.
  • justin bieber purple glasses.

  • rorschach
    Apr 29, 04:05 PM
    Same here, but maybe they have had a clean install on their systems after update II.

    The scrolling is similar to any of the previous we have had so far.

    Yeah they've probably just changed the default setting.

    pics of justin bieber with glasses. ieber purple glasses. magical
  • ieber purple glasses. magical

  • Simgar988
    Mar 17, 01:33 AM
    You're actually breaking the law by knowingly paying less. Especially breaking the law by acknowledging it online.

    Smart.... And honest... Congrats


    pics of justin bieber with glasses. Justin Bieber Purple Glasses
  • Justin Bieber Purple Glasses

  • maflynn
    Apr 9, 06:43 AM
    I'd say 10.6 had a ton of new features; they just weren't in the UI.

    So what are the ton of features that apple introduced in 10.6?

    That's not the point. the bad thing about Registry is that it even exits. What a dumb design to have a single file that multiple different applications can access. It tightly couple things that should be 100% independent. Every other OS works hard to avoid this problem. It should be the case that even an intensionally malicious program can effect the operation of another program. Windows works only because you work hard to keep intensionally malicious software off the computer. This effort should not be required
    I agree with that assessment. The single point of failure design was a major misstep by MS, that has hampered consumers and administrators for years. Things have gotten better and more stable, but you're right, the design is the problem.

    pics of justin bieber with glasses. justin bieber glasses case.
  • justin bieber glasses case.

  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 7, 11:39 AM
    Also this just in... Windows 8 appears to be running off of a Unix like platform underneath the GUI interface.. this could be the beginning of a Unix based OS similar to MAC OS X itself.

    Ballmer has outdone himself this time.


    pics of justin bieber with glasses. Justin Bieber loves his geeky
  • Justin Bieber loves his geeky

  • marktwain
    Nov 23, 06:52 PM
    So wait... a $101 discount on the 17" iMac but only a $41 discount on the 24" model? That doesn't make sense. Usually the more expensive the item, the larger the discount.

    The dicount is around $100...the highest end model is $2059...the 24" iMac with wireless keyboard and mouse...it's a configuration they stock in the stores.

    pics of justin bieber with glasses. pics of justin bieber with glasses. Justin+ieber+never+say+; Justin+ieber+never+say+. Chris Blount. Mar 18, 08:19 AM
  • pics of justin bieber with glasses. Justin+ieber+never+say+; Justin+ieber+never+say+. Chris Blount. Mar 18, 08:19 AM

  • jive
    Sep 12, 07:23 AM
    http://static.flickr.com/90/241460253_3bb2758deb_m.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/corbtt/241460253/)

    Click to see it...


    pics of justin bieber with glasses. justin bieber purple glasses
  • justin bieber purple glasses

  • Apple Expert
    Apr 25, 12:03 PM
    Who cares! Give me the next iPhone now. :D

    pics of justin bieber with glasses. Justin Bieber has been
  • Justin Bieber has been

  • Steve Mobs
    Mar 28, 02:24 PM
    Could they... award themselves?


    pics of justin bieber with glasses. justin bieber glasses real.
  • justin bieber glasses real.

  • scott523
    Nov 24, 12:04 AM
    Apple Canada online store is down for updates now...

    edit: Scott beat me to it.Indeed, some even tried creating new unless threads. :rolleyes:

    pics of justin bieber with glasses. Justin Bieber Announces #39;Never
  • Justin Bieber Announces #39;Never

  • roadbloc
    Apr 22, 06:07 PM
    Here's the reality of this non-issue...

    You'd be up in arms if Google were doing it. Or anyone else to that matter.

    I like how you have, yet again, managed to turn a non-Apple related discussion, to a discussion about Apple. Grats.

    pics of justin bieber with glasses. justin bieber glasses pictures
  • justin bieber glasses pictures

  • fsudaft
    Mar 24, 01:59 AM
    Back when I was about 8, we were jacked. However it was our house and the house next to us. We lost all of our console GAMES, the system still there. The other house lost their console SYSTEM, the games still there. Its nice to know that the world has not changed 10 years later.

    No one said all criminals are smart.

    Apr 6, 11:17 AM
    http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/3282/photoapr06114008am.jpg (http://img709.imageshack.us/i/photoapr06114008am.jpg/)

    Re-upped on my sunburst mix

    Mmm. Publix.

    Jan 12, 12:13 AM
    Steve Jobs has always been a bit smug. In fact, his emotions are rarely reserved but then, that goes for almost anyone running a technology company.

    Have you seen Scott McNealy, Bruce Chizen, Larry Ellison, or Bill Gates? Introverts rarely run companies.

    Apr 5, 03:28 PM
    Probably, but as I am in the Marketing and Advertising business I will find this quite useful. Many of you are so quick to dismiss the usefulness of this App simply because you don't understand its true purpose.

    "doesn't apply to me so it's useless" mentality. guess the world revolves around them :p

    Apr 29, 01:04 AM
    Thanks for posting, looks scary but I like it! You planning on getting GPUs for the AMD systems? How do AMD processors go at f@h? Imagine if you got some GT260s on the 4 AMD systems :eek:

    Apr 26, 08:33 PM
    Of course I like help Dejo and I know you have help a lot people, you have even helped me before this thread and I appreciate it a lot. I said that because so many seasoned developers just throw that bomb at newbies so often when they try to find answers in forums (not just this one), it happens not only in Programming but in many other professional environments, people just shoot to kill when some new guy makes a basic mistake, but luckily not all, some people do like to help (or enjoy) and have the patience to explain even the dumbest detail.

    Please take the time to read the two guides I linked in my response a few posts back.

    This: Easy fellows.. :) .. those are not pointers ...

    Then yes, they are indeed pointers to timers.
    is exactly what they seek to avoid.

    Help us help you.

    You take it as a "bomb" when in fact it is a request to get on the same page.


    I want to tell one timer to start and if I press cancel, invalidate it. Then If I press start again, call the second timer. (I do this because I read that you can't reuse a timer after you invalidate it).

    So this will effectively be a stopwatch that can only by started and stopped twice?

    Is that the intent?

    EDIT: Have a look at this tutorial: http://www.apptite.be/blog/ios/sample-ios-application-stopwatch/ Do you understand why it doesn't need to define two timers?


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