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Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • nogc_noproblem
    07-16 09:46 PM
    Even after seeing Aug �08 bulletin are you still saying that it is just a speculation? If that makes you happy - be happy, but unfortunately horizontal spill-over is the fact now. Let us wait and see whether it is a permanent approach or not.

    Let you be the master of INA law; give me the source where it says differently.

    This whole thread is speculation, your basic assumption itself is wrong. The horizonal spill over is not a permanent policy or trend which will be practised. You should read the INA law clearly. But if this speculation makes you happy, enjoy! :)

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  • mbawa2574
    03-27 01:57 PM
    widower zardari will be marrying kumari mayawati just after election to unite subcontinent and bring peace to world.


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  • chanduv23
    08-17 12:24 PM
    It looks like a lot of "so called educated folks" are PROBABLY JELOUS :) :) of Mr SRK.

    No matter what - he is a capable man and I appreciate him for whatever he is.

    If he is not doing anything to reduce poverty in India - well then it is his choice, but you can definitely let him know "Mr SRK please use your popularity in a good way and reduce poverty and disease in India"

    Folks - all the starts do have "value" When I say stars - they are public figures, right from mucisians to television anchors to actors or ramp models or anyone - they are what they are because of their destiny, so just because they cannot code or hold a sthethescope, does not mean they are bad.

    In fact The then president of the US applauded 'Bill Pullman" for his fascinating speech in the Independence Day movie claiming he did something marvellous.

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  • Rb_newsletter
    08-15 03:51 PM
    What did the officer do wrong if the name matched.
    Do you know there is a CNN reporter who is a white guy and his name matched with some name on the security check list and the guy was harassed multiple times on different airports within USA.
    If a known person in USA can get such treatment, SRK IS NOTHING.
    SRK Fans think the is someone special!

    Your argument sounds like "Yes we do harass our own people here. So there is nothing wrong in harassing other country people"


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  • Kodi
    05-02 09:38 AM
    I'm surprised admins are letting this thread continue.

    All those who think that the rest of the word should get involved, where were you when the LTTE bombed colombo in numerous occasions? Used suicide bombers to kill innocent civilians. The rest of the world watched and didn't get involved. You had 30 years to provide a solution to this war. Now is not the time to get involved. Sri lankan gov is finally taking matter into their hands and its high time. LTTE is a terrorist organization that's banned in the US/UK and all over the world. They should not be supported. Its sad that tamils are stuck in this situation, gov is doing eveything possible to get them out of the area but its their own so called leader that's refusing to let the people go.

    For those that say tamils are discriminated.... think about this.

    About 50% of tamils live in other parts of the country in harmony with sinhalese, muslim and other ethnic groups and can conduct business. Tamil children can get education in any of the schools and universities in any part of the country unlike sinhala/muslim kids. Children get free education in the country. Sinhalese are not allowed to attend universities in the north and east. All the sinhala/muslim people were chased away from the north and east where as tamils can live anywhere in the country without any discrimination. If LTTE is providing tamils a safe heaven why did they move out of the north.

    Tamils can join the parliament if they're elected through an election. Lakshman Kadirgamaris tamil and held a prestige position in the parliament as the foreign minister but was killed by the LTTE. Look at Muralitharan, wold class bowler. How did he excel if tamils are discriminated. He came from one of the elite schools situated in an area where majority is sinhala/muslims.

    Tamils are not the only ethnic group that was required to carry national ID at all times in colombo. All civilians in colombo, including sinhala and muslims are required to carry IDs with them. I was stopped more than twice at check points and I had to carry my passport with me at all times since I've misplaced my ID.

    And the list continues....

    I can go on and on but I'll rather not. I didn't want to reply to this thread but finally it got the better of me. Each country should take care of their own matters.

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  • mbawa2574
    02-15 07:12 PM
    People would like to see India as land of snake charmers, cows blocking roads etc.
    They can't digest IITians coming to MIT, Stanford etc. :-)

    I agree man. There is shortage of skills but none of ignorance.:)


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  • samay
    07-14 06:37 AM
    My appeal against EB2 I140 denial on Chartered Accountant degree issue was recently turned down by AAO. Can I any how contest this decision further without getting my employer involved. They are not interested in pursuing this further. Can I file any type of appeal before BAI or any other court on personal basis ?

    NO because I-140 is essentially an employers application.

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  • kuhelica2000
    02-12 08:21 PM
    Per country limit applies to every country in exactly the same way. It doesn't discriminate between Chad or China. So, how is it discrimination? And think about it- in Olympics soccer/basketball every country can send only one team. Should China and India be allowed to send more teams since they have a larger population? We should try to increase the number of GCs.

    No matter which side you are on, the quota system sucks. Period.

    1) Once you start receiving benefits out of being born in a particular country/ race/ sex/ religion, a notion of "entitlement" quickly builds up within you. This adversely affects your ability to perform, for you just don't have to work hard enough!
    2) If you are punished for being born in a particular country/ race/ sex/ religion, you have no incentive to perform, as you won't get what you deserve no matter how hard you work!

    How about this... during every Olympics, most number of Gold Medals are won by Americans. Now imagine a rule that prevents more than 7% of all Gold Medals going to people born in any one country. How does that sound?

    I will myself hate it if athletes from India (who haven't won anything in the Olympics till date) started winning gold medals simply because other countries cannot receive more than 7%!

    Of course, removing country caps will face opposition, but it should still happen, just because it is the right thing!


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  • knowDOL
    08-03 04:21 PM
    The comment period ended April 17th 2006. I heard, Many top companies were against elimination, probably, because they had plenty of labors using which they could attract senior and bright H-1B's. Also, I think USCIS needs to publish an elimination of substitution in this respect which will again have to go through comment period, only after all this the elimination will come into place.

    But the reason why elimination proposal came in is because of fraud and not because of unfair ness to people who are in line or FIFO because of transfer of PD. DOL and USCIS noticed that companies are sellling Labors which is fraud. There was some memo that USCIS will not publish until last quarter, soeveryone expected the rule will become effective by August September time frame. But I have not read anything as of today that the USCIS published anything in Federal register relatting substituion elimination.

    Probably we should wait and watch. My guess is that something may come by October 1st, 2006. Only an assumption.

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  • brij523
    02-13 09:12 AM
    Lazycis, Some year back Rajiv did file class action lawsuit. It costed him 1/4 millions + dollars of efforts.

    I think the good start is to consult with Rajiv Khanna. He has an experience in class-actions/federal litigation and will tell whether it is feasible to go this way. It will cost $600 (approximately). To file a class-action complaint will cost around $10k. The rest depends on the lenght of the proceedings, but my estimate is another 20-30k. Peanuts comparing to lobbying :) IV may not want to go this way, as Mark Bartosik once explained, it may hurt its other efforts. If that's the case, potential plaintiffs can work with lawyers directly.


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  • PlainSpeak
    01-14 12:19 PM
    Woman period yes. Man period no.

    You man or woman or nether?
    Ahhhhh lookeee here. Someone has finally got a grip on biology
    Whosssssss a good boy whoooose a good boyyy !!!!

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  • BharatPremi
    12-13 05:09 PM
    If someone from country X, Y, or Z comes in on that same quota, that's OK - but we can't accept folks from countries A, B and C??


    Yes, exactly that is the point. What would be the purpose(backdoor policy theme) to implement Per country limit , particularly for EB category? And why IN, Philipines, MX and china are the only choosen ones?


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  • newtoearth
    05-02 09:19 AM

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  • duttasurajit
    07-21 11:59 AM
    These guys might meet you and greet you in WMT. Once it happened, the guy's wife met my wife and complimented her that "Ooh you have a sweet little boy!" and that's how the convesation started with my wife and then with me. The guy told me he runs his "ecommerce business". Next day he calls us for tea to discuss "ecommerce business" , I became suspicious and charged him "Are you running Amway?" He said there is nothing wrong in running Amway business and I had a heated argument with him over this as to why he did not tell me earlier.

    So thats it - nowadays they have adopted a different strategy!


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  • logiclife
    02-12 09:04 PM
    Per country limit applies to every country in exactly the same way. It doesn't discriminate between Chad or China. So, how is it discrimination? And think about it- in Olympics soccer/basketball every country can send only one team. Should China and India be allowed to send more teams since they have a larger population? We should try to increase the number of GCs.

    That is an apples to dinosaur analogy.

    The per-country ceiling was originally created in order to establish and maintain proportionality in various immigrants coming from different countries in FAMILY BASED IMMIGRATION.

    Family based immigration is driven by family relationship. Its not driven by talent or economic contribution. Therefore its important to make sure that no country completely dominates the family based immigration system by getting a head start. If one country is ahead initially in sending immigrants (like the Irish in the 1920s and Italians in 1930s), then that country's immigrants would sponsor their family and that new family would in turn sponsor their relatives and so on. Whichever country has an advantage in the begining would keep building on that advantage and eat up the entire family based quota. That's why when they wrote the INA in 1965 by codifying a bunch of loose federal regulations that governed immigration, they inserted the per-country ceiling. And that makes sense even today in Family based immigration.

    Every country in the world has unlimited potential to send family members and relatives to America. But every country in the world does not have unlimited potential to send Ph.Ds and skilled labor. That ability is disproportionately huge with India, China, Mexico and Phillipines.

    The per-country ceilings got INHERITED into employment based system because our legislators were too lazy to spot the difference in two systems. One system gives you a green card because you are related to someone. Other system gives you a green card because you have skills that are wanted by an employer here.

    Benefits driven by family relationship should be rationed and given out propotionally because an Irish family, Italian family and a Chinese family all love their families equally and the value of family re-unification is the same. You cant say that the Irish love their sibilings more than the Chinese or Indians do. HENCE THE COUNTRY LIMITS IN FAMILY BASED SYSTEM.

    But in employment based system, what the system is doing is that an Irish guy, (or any ROW guy) with Bachelor's degree in EB3 is getting green card sooner than an Indian guy or Chinese guy with masters degree in EB2. THAT IS DISCRIMINATION. Yes, that is discrimination not matter how you slice it and dice it with your olympic analogies.

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  • rajeev_74
    09-23 05:36 AM
    As completely unrelated these two issues are (from a law maker's perspective) on a normal day, these are possibly those times when each of these issues can help the other.

    IV has been discussing about the possibility of one for two solution (partial). The idea is to request congress to exempt EB applicants & their dependents from numerical limits of the Immigrant visas, if they buy a home. It is my belief that market sentiment is the most important thing in any financial market(s) and the housing prospects look pretty bleak. There are lot of members in the EB community that have NOT bought their own home, even though they could afford one because of the uncertainty with EB GC. IV's idea is to bridge the financial committees and judiciary committees in the House/Senate and see if corresponding Chairman/Ranking members are willing to listen. Things are moving so fast with the 700bn USD bail out plan and we will NOT have time to do things the normal way, through our counsel. We have to present this idea to the corresponding staff members of key members of congress (see list below) and see if this gets traction now or going forward.

    Please do not bring EB-5 discussion/comparison here. The proposed partial solution is different from EB-5 in that EB-5 investors invest money and we are investing in our future with a genuine intention of making USA our permanent home.

    If you already have a home, thats fine. Any such legislation will reduce the wait times in EB categories and we need housing markets to rebound for a safer economy before the ripple effects are felt every where.

    Who to write to

    Staff members(Chief of Staff, Legislative LA, Financial LA, Legislative Director) of Chairman/Ranking members of House/Senate Judiciary committee & Finance/Banking committee, Staff members of your representative and your senators. Please find staff members of the committees in the spreadsheet (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pptN-jEpAiyd3snslhPjBfw).

    You can find your representative & senator staff members on this website (http://www.outsourcecongress.org/outsource/congress/schstaffers.html).

    Please use valid email addresses and NOT fictitious/junk mail. It undermines the whole purpose and our emails will be flagged by mail scanners / spam checkers as some thing similar to famous Nigeria bank account scams.

    Email Subject: Proposal to alleviate current US Housing/economic crisis



    This proposal alleviates the current US economic crisis, by motivating the US high skilled, legal immigrant workers to purchase homes. The size of this immigrant population is approximately 800,000 individuals. This effort if successful would inject up to US$ 20Billion approximately into the economy (approximately US$ 100 Billion in houses sold across the country) , while at the same time directing this money into the root cause of the economic crisis � the illiquidity of the national housing market. The above calculation is done
    assuming a median US home price of $212,400 and buyers making a down-payment of 20% of the cost of the home. Roughly estimating 400,000 buyers.


    Undoubtedly, we are all devastated by the shake up on Wall Street in the past 15 days. Experts agree that the underpinning problem is the housing crisis caused by sub-prime mortgage loans. Many of us, who cannot afford our monthly mortgage payments are losing homes and putting them up for sale and foreclosure, which further adds to the crisis. At the same time, most of the Employment-based (EB) immigrant community would like to purchase homes and make the United States a permanent home for their families. These EB immigrants however, are living in a state of limbo, mostly in rental apartments because of the delays and uncertainties involved with the EB immigration procedure. The wait times in EB categories are exacerbated by the delays in processing by USCIS, even though eligible applicants have filed for Permanent Residency also known as Adjustment of Status. Such processing delays have resulted in the wastage of 218,000 immigrant visa numbers (Page 52 of USCIS Ombudsman Annual report 2007). The current Department of State visa bulletin shows 7+ years of wait times in certain categories. We strongly believe that legislation can be worked out in such a way that the housing markets all over the country can move towards recovery, while at the same time motivating the Green Card applicants to catalyze this recovery.

    It should be noted that this proposal by no means brings more immigrant workers into the US. The workers in the EB, skilled category are already present in the US, doing skilled jobs that no US worker is available to do. They are part of the long queue of backlogged cases that USICIS will eventually process; however, this wait can take years and in that case could not be used as a tool to minimize the course of the current economic crisis.


    Congress can pass legislation that exempts EB green card applicants and their dependents from the numerical limits of visa numbers, provided applicant(s) have bought a home making 20% down payment on the sale price of the home, for a time period deemed necessary by the congress.

    How can Employment based Immigrants help alleviate the housing problem?

    (1) Employment based immigrants are highly skilled and are employed in occupations such as Software, IT, Health care, Energy, Finance, Education and Research & Development across the United States.

    (2) Average income of these individuals/households is around 65,000/130,000 USD.

    (3) All these Employment based immigrants have gone through Department of Labor�s recruiting process, which certifies that there is no willing, able and qualified US Citizen to do the job.

    (4) Most of the Employment based immigrants have excellent credit history and good source of income to make the payments needed for their home mortgage.

    (5) By requiring a 20% down payment from this group of buyers, Congress can directly channel this money to where it is need most � at the banks.

    (6) Employment based green card applicants have been living in the United States for 6-8 years. Many of them have US graduate degrees in their fields of expertise. These applicants are well versed with the American culture and will not change the cultural landscape.

    (7) Financial burden on US government and treasury will be reduced drastically if the glut of houses in the market decreases.

    As a member of the community that wants to make the US its permanent home, I want to contribute to a solution that helps USA and US during these tough times. I sincerely believe that the 30 year commitment on mortgages by Employment based immigrants in the housing market, backed by solid, risk free mortgages can turn the down ward spiral in the housing market into a upward spiral.


    I feel this is is worth trying...


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  • gc_chahiye
    06-28 08:03 PM
    I am analyzing for EB-2 (India). The current date for EB-2 India was Apr 1 2004 for month of June.

    Retrogression started Oct 1 2005. Before Oct 1 2005, persons with PD < Oct 1 2005 (remember PERM) could have submitted I-485. Some (not all remember namecheck) of these would be ready for adj June 1st 2007. These applicants can be divided into 2 categories: those with PD <= Apr 1 2004 and those with PD > Apr 1 2004.

    Applicants in first category will get GC in June and applicants in 2nd category will get GC in Jul. These applicants can exhaust 2007 quota.

    USCIS is taking 3 weeks for notification of 485's submiited in June. I would be very surprised if they process a June submission in < 3 months. So chances of June applicant using GC number are low.

    USCIS knew # applicants in above 2 categories: this appears trivial. If these applicants exhaust 2007 quota, USCIS knew that quota will get exhausted in Jul. The date can be of their choosing since the work involved must be pretty low.

    A similar analysis can be done for any other category. Correct me if my dates are wrong.

    but if USCIS knew this (that June+July can finish all the numbers for 2007) then why does the visa bulletin talk about retrogression in September timeframe for India/China? Why not August itself?

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  • GC9180
    09-25 03:20 PM
    monthly number calculations not quarterly or yearly



    from the above doc


    .... Each month a determination is made regarding the number of visas that can be made
    available on a worldwide basis. .......
    Numbers are made available in the chronological order of the applicant’s
    priority dates. The monthly cut-off dates, which are used to determine
    whether an applicant’s case is eligible for final interview, are published in the
    Visa Bulletin available on the CA Intranet site....".

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  • tikka
    07-03 06:38 PM
    http://digg.com/politics/Rep_Lofgren...Bulle tin/who (http://digg.com/politics/Rep_Lofgren_Issues_Statement_on_Updated_Visa_Bulle tin/who)

    It's showing up on the front page now as far as I can tell.


    both stories are on top!!
    we can also digg the comments

    09-04 11:02 AM
    YSR is far better than Chandrababu Naidu(Iron Leg) and Balakrishna

    03-27 05:18 PM
    Imaginne this, we get a fast trak citizenship process to Bill Clinton. Anyway, we Indians luv him so much, more than his wife or daughter would to him.

    And he will definitely win, make him the PM. With Obama in US and Bill Clinton from India, we can defintely lobby for our GCs and then India-US, will be new bhai-bhai....

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